1、 自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。
Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediately once fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.
2、 发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。
Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agent once there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior.
3、 不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。
Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility and equipment.
4、 不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。
Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods into public area or public transportation.
5、 不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。
Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area.
6、 购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。
Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safety regulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.
7、 家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。
Family and enterprises must be equipped with adequate fire equipment and operate in right way.
8、 每个家庭都应制定消防安全计划,绘制逃生疏散路线图,及时检查、消除火灾隐患。
Each family should make fire safety plan and evacuation map and inspect regularly to eliminate fire hazards.
9、 室内装修装饰不宜采用易燃材料。
Flammable interior decoration material is inadvisable.
10、 正确使用电器设备,不乱接电源线,不超负荷用电,及时更换老化电器设备和线路,外出时要关闭电源开关。
Use electrical equipment in right way. Do not overload circuits or power. Replace aging electrical equipment and lines in time. Left with all switches shut down.
Use gas facilities and equipment in right way and conduct regular inspection. If you find a gas leakage, quickly close the valves, open windows and doors, do not touch switches or use open flames.
Keep fire, lighter and match away from children ’s reach.
Do not occupy, block or close safe exit, evacuation passage and fire truck passage. Do not set obstacles in fire truck passage or obstruct putting fire.
Do not smoke in bed or sofa. Dispose cigarette butts in ashtray.
Evacuation drills should be exercised regularly by school and enterprises.
Pay attention to public areas exit and evacuation passage and memorize routes.
In case of fire, keep calm, raise fire alarm and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not go back for personal belongs. Dot not use elevators. Do not jumping out of building.
Wet cloth covered head, body, mouth and noise in heavy smoke channel, bent forward.
19、 身上着火,可就地打滚或用厚重衣物覆盖,压灭火苗。
Roll on the ground or put thick coat on the on fire body to put down the flames.
20、 大火封门无法逃生时,可用浸湿的毛巾衣物堵塞门缝,发出求救信号等待救援。
If exit is blocked by fire, use wet cloth to block the door. Send out distress signal and wait for rescue.
Educate children not to play with fire or electrical equipment.
Do not throw cigarette butts around or smoke in bed.
Do not connect or pull wires randomly. Do not replace circuit fuses with copper or iron wire.
24、家中不可存放超过0.5 公升的汽油、酒精、天那水等易燃易爆物品。
Do not store more than 0.5 liters of gasoline, alcohol, Tianna water and other inflammable and explosive materials at home.
Do not leave people when lighting with open fire, and do not use open fire to search for objects.
Before leaving home or sleeping, check whether the electric appliance is powered off, whether the gas valve is closed, and whether the open fire is off.
Do not stack sundries in the corridor, stairway and other places, and ensure the smooth passage and safety exit.
In case of gas leakage, close the air source valve, open the doors and windows for ventilation, do not touch the electrical switch and use the open fire, and promptly inform the professional maintenance department to deal with it.
Do not pour residual liquid of liquefied gas at will.
In summer, mosquito repellent incense should be placed on a special stand, not close to curtains, mosquito nets and other inflammable materials.
Do not store gasoline, alcohol and other inflammable and explosive materials at will, and strengthen safety protection when using.
Use open fire with special care. Do not place combustible or inflammable materials near the fire source.
Use evacuation stairs, balconies, drainage pipes, etc. to escape, or tear bed sheets and quilt covers into strips and connect them into ropes, fasten them on fixed objects such as window frames and iron railings, slide down the ropes, or go down to floors without fire to get out of danger.
There is a great fire risk in welding and cutting operation. Before operation, it is necessary to clear the combustible materials in the vicinity. Before operation, it is necessary to remove the combustible materials in the vicinity. During operation, special personnel shall be assigned to monitor to prevent the fire caused by high temperature welding spatter. After operation, it is necessary to check whether there is any fire left.
In case of gas leakage, quickly close the valve, open the door and window, do not touch the electric switch box to use the open fire, and promptly inform the professional maintenance department to deal with it.
Check the electrical circuit frequently to prevent aging, short circuit, leakage, etc., and repair and replace the old electrical circuit in time.
The circuit fuse (piece) shall not be replaced by copper wire and iron wire. It is recommended to install automatic air switch.
It is not allowed to use electricity under overload and connect wires in disorder.
Before leaving the residence or sleeping, check whether the electric appliance is powered off, whether the main power supply is cut off, whether the gas valve is closed, and whether the open fire is off.
Do not pile up sundries in corridors, stairways, fire exits, etc. to ensure the smooth passage and safety exit.
Family members should know the basic methods of fire escape and be familiar with several escape routes.
When threatened by the fire, immediately put on wet clothes and bedding and rush out towards the exit.
When escaping through thick smoke, try to keep your body close to the ground and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel.